Yesterday, I took B to the Aquarium. It was wonderfully empty and quiet on a Friday afternoon. Quite a contrast to the previous Saturday when we all went. Although that was an awesome time too- but I was glad DH was with us!
This morning, we walked down to our little community center and attended the pancake breakfast to benefit our fire department. It was nice to be a part of a community event like that and be around other families, even though we don't actually know anyone and didn't speak to anyone else. Which caused us to discuss this very fact as we ate, how we grew up in the opposite way; if our families had gone to such an event, our parents would have known at least half the people there. We concluded that whenever we do get more settled, we will have to make much more of an effort to be community-involved.
This afternoon, we went to a local park that we hadn't explored before. The scenery was quite nice and since it rained a lot this week, the little creek that runs through was fairly high.
I have been feeling more hopeful lately than at the start of the year. I do not necessarily feel like following our doctor's advice to wait one cycle to start trying again...I don't really see why it is necessary and I am so anxious. I think the main reason doctors advise this is so that they will have an easy way to estimate due date, based on your LMP. Anyway, we probably won't "try" but we may not do anything to prevent either.
In summary it has been a great weekend so far. I hope tomorrow is nice too.
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