Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chocolate..dark or's all good, right?

Okay, I got your attention! Who doesn't love chocolate?
Anyway, I am starting this blog, against my husband's better wishes...he is "thoroughly private and doesn't want himself or our child mentioned."

Sorry, my good husband, but here goes...

We have a 15 month old and are currently working on sleeping issues. We do not subscribe to the "cry it out" method, so we bought "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. We have read it and for the past week we have been trying our modified version of it. We have thus far had 2 "success nights"- nights when the baby slept 7 or more hours straight without waking. I feel greatly encouraged because this is 2 nights in the past week the baby (B) has slept in such long stretches, whereas up to now it had been more than 1 YEAR since he had slept this long!!!

B is napping right now, which I am also happy about. I have been working on adjusting his nap schedule to earlier in the afternoon, to make for an easier and earlier bedtime, as recommended. Today he fell asleep for his nap at about 2 pm and it is now almost 4 pm.

Well, I am off to browse other blogs. Have a good Thursday!

(And, hey, enjoy some chocolate!)

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